Staying Connected With The Oscars Of The Mobile World
In a year where our phones and technology has been the lifeline and connection to the outside world, while we dutifully remained inside, in their 26th year The Global Mobile (GLOMO) awards came at the perfect time to recognise and celebrate all contributions made to the ever evolving and developing mobile industry. The awards definitely meant more this year for the GSMA – ‘We celebrate the innovation in the mobile, connectivity and digital space, an industry which has been as the forefront of supporting society, people, businesses and governments pivot in the pandemic. Taking a moment to get together to recognise that leadership had a special meaning this year.’ Project Manager at GSMA.
The ‘Oscars of the Mobile world’ were announced at MWC Barcelona, over a live stream, with Shaun Collins as head judge of the 2021 awards. The event was held on a very special date too; on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the first GSM call – 1st July 1991. Pioneered by Fred Hillebrand, who’s important work was honoured in the ‘Outstanding Contribution’ category that night. Alongside that category winner, 21 additional awards celebrated and recognised the latest and best mobile and digital products, apps, devices, services and initiatives.
Logo Inspired Award
This polished Nickel Plated Aluminium Award features their recognised linked logo, a sign of connectivity realised in solid metal. The trophies were sent to the client who then distributed them globally to all of their worthy winners! A simple statement design like this can represent your industry and brand values perfectly. A spokesperson for the event had this to say about working with EFX ‘a high quality award delivered on time by a very efficient team’.