Dreams Turn to Reality at Pillow Talk Awards
Pillow Talk is the aptly named customer satisfaction programme for Dreams, the leading bed retailer. Important to Dreams’ success in the marketplace, Pillow Talk has also been adopted as the theme for its internal sales recognition scheme. The Pillow Talk Awards were presented by Dreams’ Chief Executive Officer and its Operations Director to top performing stores and depots at the company’s annual conference, held November 23 in Nottingham.
The campaign has a high profile throughout Dreams’ store and distribution channels supported by a strong brand identity and is promoted on a variety of merchandise material. It was therefore crucial that the 3-dimensional trophies mirrored the national campaign. Alison Atkin, Operations and Communications Controller at Dreams, explains: “We first used EFX last year when SMG designed a golden pillow talk award. What we like about the awards is that they were robust but stylish, and incorporated the pillow logo design that is used in stores.”
The plump pillow visual, central to the logo and Pillow Talk theme, was reproduced by EFX in highly polished nickel plated aluminium and faced with a printed polydome. The logo was digitally created and each award mounted on a laser engraved, personalised plinth.
Sweet Dreams!